Spiritual Insights from Saints Worldwide


What did I do to deserve this

What did I do to deserve this

I live in a house full of boys. I am the only girl, if you aren’t counting my dog. It can get pretty crazy sometimes. Really, what it is, is near constant chaos. Mixed with a few calm moments when no one is home. One 

Lucky or Unlucky

Lucky or Unlucky

My young son began school this week. He had a difficult time the first couple of days. In his words it was “a trip, not a good one, with lots of unlucky things happening”. He began listing of hard things that happened. Then he looked 

He Knows

He Knows

I recently found a social media post that I wrote a few years back. Rereading I was grateful for the glorious reminder of my Savior’s love. We can never be reminded too much. As I deal with the same challenges as I did then, I 

How I found Jesus with a green grape.

How I found Jesus with a green grape.

How did I find Jesus in a green grape? I was making lunch for my son one day. One of his favorite foods is green grapes. Our bag of grapes was getting kind of old, but leaving them off his plate was not an option. 

Encountering Christ in Everyday Moments

Encountering Christ in Everyday Moments

As if the words were spoken directly to me, the thought came to my mind, “The artist knew how to find me with a single line, just as you can find me in the many simple things around you.”